Goals of Logical Dreams: July Recap + August Goals

Last month, I set a challenge for myself for Camp NaNoWriMo 2021. Never got around to registering for it properly, so it’s not official, but the goal was to write 31 short stories in 31 days.

Despite a very slow start, I hit my goal. If you want to read all 31 stories, you can search them up using the term ‘Camp NaNoWriMo short story count’.

If you’re looking for a short list, below are a few that had more likes.

Her Plan – Her plan might get her killed.

Suspicious Smiles – Some people are just bad at hiding things.

The Kid She Used to Babysit – Not all promises are kept.

Surreal Rain – It was raining… upwards.

This month, I’m taking things easy after the hectic rush towards the end of July. No particular goal but would try to post on alternate days.

Have a lovely August 🙂

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