Short Story: Saturday Zen Time

Every Sunday morning from 8 to 9, her grandfather sits out in the gazebo to draw lines on paper.

He calls it his ‘zen time’, and no one is to interrupt him during this time. They can watch, but no talking, no touching, and no fidgeting.

Some Sundays, when she can bring herself to crawl out of bed so early on a non-school day, she joins him at the gazebo and watch him draw perfectly straight lines by hand. No rulers needed.

“Want to try?” her grandfather asks as he pulls a sheet free for her.

“Yes!” She eagerly accepts the green marker he offers her. With full concentration, she draws one straight line down the page.

It’s not straight.

“That’s fine. Just try again,” her grandfather says.

She moves her marker back to the top of the page, and as her grandfather draws his lines, she does too. One line at a time.


Genre: slice of life, family